The US Coast Guard says it rescued more than 100 Haitian refugees. 美国海岸警卫队说他们营救了100多名海地难民。
The Navy and the coast guard work hand in glove, especially in war time. 海军与海岸警卫队合作密切,尤其是在战时。
The coast guard kept a watchful eye on the black dot that had appeared out at sea. 海防战士警觉地注视着出现在海面上的黑点。
The so-called 'Operation Search Light' has deployed Navy, Coast Guard and Air Force ships and aircraft to scour from the Andaman Sea to the Bay of Bengal. 印度在这项名为探照灯(OperationSearchLight)的任务中部署了海军、海岸警卫队以及空军舰艇和飞机在安达曼海至孟加拉湾海域进行搜寻。
One left staff of the Japan Coast Guard was kicked by Chinese crew. 其中一名日本海岸警卫队人员被踢左由中国船员。
I need immediate coast guard assistance. 我马上需要海岸巡逻队队员援助。
By Wednesday, however, most of the boats had moved away, according to the Japan Coast Guard. 但据日本海上保安厅介绍,到了周三,多数中国渔政船已经离开。
I need to kill some time before the Coast Guard gets here to tow my boat. 我只是想消磨一些时间,等着海岸警备队来拖我的船。
But BP and the US Coast Guard believe it's worth the potential environmental damage. 但是BP石油公司和美国海岸警卫队相信,与潜在的环境危害相比,这次行动是值得的。
You in the Coast Guard take rightful pride in the uniform you wear and the mission you have accepted. 你在海岸守卫中在你穿着的制服和你有接受的任务中带合法的自傲。
By giving the Coast Guard new resources, we are supporting the men and women who defend us all. 藉由给海岸保卫新的资源,我们正在支援男人和防护我们所有的女人。
The Coast Guard is not impressed with supernatural explanations of disasters at sea. 海岸警卫对海洋灾祸的超自然的解释没有留下深刻的印象。
I'll tell you one thing that coast guard guy was right. 有一件事海岸巡逻队队员说对了。
The Coast Guard air lifts four surfers from the choppy waters off the Oregon coast. 海岸警卫队从俄勒冈州海岸边的一个波涛汹涌的水域里把四个冲浪者空运了出来。
Here come the coast guard. 海岸巡逻队来了。
The coast guard's been around for200 years. 海岸警卫队在这个地方已经有200年了。
A person who holds a commissioned rank in the US Navy or Coast guard; below lieutenant junior grade. 在美国海军或海军巡逻队中有委任军衔的人;职位低于初级陆军中尉级别。
An officer holding a commissioned rank in the US Navy or Coast guard; below lieutenant and above ensign. 一个在美国海军或海军巡逻队中拥有委任官衔的军官;低于陆军中尉高于陆军少尉。
The Coast Guard was called in and used the helicopter to pluck the surfers from the rough waters. 被叫来的海岸警卫队用直升机把冲浪者从汹涌的海浪中捞了出来。
Coast Guard planes, boats and helicopters search for missing boats and rescue people in dangerous situations. 海岸警卫队的飞机,汽艇和直升飞机搜索失踪的船只,营救险境中的人们。
The US Coast Guard closed the stretch of the river near the town of Natchez. 美国海岸警卫队关闭了Natchez镇附近的河段。
The Coast Guard planned an airplane flyover of the Outer Banks and prepared for search-and-rescue helicopter flights. 美国海岸警卫队计划一银行外的飞机和航班天桥准备搜索和救援直升机。
Coast Guard personnel are protecting key ports and Iraqi oil platforms. 海岸守卫人事正在保护主要港口和伊拉克人涂油水于月台。
The Federal Aviation Administration, the Coast Guard, Navy, Air Force, and California Reps. 美国联邦航空管理局,海岸巡防署,海军、空军部队,以及加州代表DanaRohrabacher和JaneHarman他们所在的沿海地方跟这团凝结尾流出现地很近。
The Japan Coast Guard ship brought alongside to a Chinese ship. 日本海上保安厅船只到中国的同时带来了船。
So our fishing boat and our Coast Guard ships circled the island and then they came home. 所以我们的渔船和我们的海岸巡逻船在绕到后返回。
Yet in1976,17 years after I left the Coast Guard, Roots was published. 然而,1976年,也就是我离开海岸警卫队十七年后,《根》出版了。
This is because we are the coast guard's elite. 那是因为我们是海岸警卫队里的菁英。
The Argentina coast guard was astonished to find icebergs floating along the Atlantic coast. 阿根廷海岸警备队震惊地发现,冰山群正沿着大西洋海岸漂移。
But some had administrative jobs as female yeomen, so-called yeomanettes, in the Naval Reserve and coast guard. 但是在海军预备队和海岸巡逻队中,一些女人承担了行政工作,相当于女性仆人,所以称作女仆。